TraditionThe tradition of artists continues in the work of the younger generation, of which Josef Dobrovolný is a representative. His birthplace of Hlinsko with a rich cultural and particularly fine art tradition strongly influenced his artistic development and moreover the surrounding landscape offered the most wonderful inspiration. He acquired basic art skills and theoretical knowledge from Professor Drahomíra Brychtová in Hlinsko, where he studied drawing and composition in 1976 – 1978.In 1978-1985 he partook of private studies with Jaroslav Šmídra, a painter awarded the title of “artist of outstanding merit” and a pupil of Max Švabinský |
Aquarelles | |||
Oil Paintings | |||
Lithography | |||
Exhibitions | |||
Gallery | |||
From 1987 Josef Dobrovolný
became a member of the sales gallery called Dílo Jihlava. After November
1989 many private galleries, where Josef Dobrovolný regularly exhibits,
were set up. Let us name at least Tvar Gallery IKEA Praha, Gallery in
Nerudova Street in Prague, Gallery in Šumperk, in Zábřeh na Moravě, in
Kuřim, Šilhan Gallery at Svoboda Square in Brno, I- Gallery in Horova
Street in Brno, Mathias Gallery in Brno in Orlí street, Půžová Gallery
in Jihlava, and others.
Techniques |