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Czech – Moravian Highlands
a region, which with its simple beauty has charmed so many artists …..
An area of hills coated with woodland and framed by the blue of far horizons. A region of slopes and hollows covered with wild rose bushes and parsley ferns. An area glowing with the red beads of rowanberries and silvery blue foothill streams and torrents. And among all this, in perfect harmony with the landscape appear the gables of old wooden cottages leaning on ancient linden-trees. A region beautiful to look at but difficult to live in.

     Oil Paintings
    Each seemingly obvious beauty has been paid for by the honest hard work of our predecessors. From times long distant, Vysočina was a home of modest hard working people – small farmers, lumberjacks, potters, file makers and glassmakers, but also artists, those who were born here and never left or those who became enchanted by this region and used to return year after year.
Even in the hustle and bustle of this modern age Českomoravská vysočina has preserved the aroma of wild-thyme, the whiteness of slim birch trunks softened in tone by purple heather, wild rose bushes on slopes, alleyways of dark red rowanberries, clear springs as well as the shining beauty of white winters.